Take me to a place we can hide...
So much has been going on with me lately and I have finally found my groove in it. I have my eye focused on where I want to be and I am not letting a thing stand in my way. It’s funny when you find yourself so driven on something and how much determination and will it takes to get there and then you think about how hard it is to keep your bathroom clean or practice patience with your loved ones or pay your phone bill on time. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could apply the same determination to everything in life all of the time? Honestly, I don’t think anyone has that energy. If you know anyone that does, I want to know what they are on and how do I get some.
I put an offer on a condo I love in Studio City. It’s in the 2nd top rated public school district in LA County apparently and right next to a big park and a public library. I couldn’t ask for a better area for my son. Also it is right over the Hollywood Hills so it’s just a hop, skip & a jump from Hollywood. This was something I wanted and didn’t think I could find. I thought for sure I would have to compromise location and live further out from Hollywood than I wanted but if I get this place, I won’t have to. So cross your fingers for me, kiddies. I hear back from my agent by 5:00 p.m. today so until then, I am cuticle biting stress chick. Better distract myself by emailing friends on Myspace.
Some friends of ours are getting married on Saturday. I am going to offer to photograph the event as a wedding gift and am hoping they accept because I would love to do this for them and it will give me something different to use for my portfolio (always an angle I know - Hey! I'm so LA!). I wonder if the usual feelings are going to come up at this wedding. It’s been a while since I’ve been to one and I usually get weepy and as a typical girl, I wonder if I will ever walk down the isle again…*record scratch* what the hell am I saying?? Strike that! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! *hehe* I don’t know. I go back and forth with it. I guess after a terrible marriage and even worse divorce and then the break up of a 4 ½ year relationship with the emotional well-being of my child hanging in the balance has sort of made me a little bitter to the idea. The notion of making the ultimate commitment of marriage to one person appeals to the bleeding heart romantic in me but the reality of what one must endure when things go sour…the legal fees, your past maliciously used against you, lies, your child’s suffering on your conscience … CALGON TAKE ME AWAY! And then there’s the other side of the coin, would anyone want to marry me again? There’s something to chew on.
I am sure I will post after 5 and let you know how the condo negotiations are going. If I don’t get this place, I am going to look further north in the Encino, Glendale, Pasadena, Woodland Hills areas. Suburbia isn’t that bad when the heartbeat of a city like Hollywood beats a mere 20-30 minute drive away.
Oh yeah and I named my cat Weiland, after the most passionate, stylish, sexiest & dysfuntional singer alive. Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots. You know, I stopped dating musicians in '98 for obvious reasons but if ever there was one I would bend the rules for, it would be this man. I am sure there would be a plethera of emotional anguish involved but god, his passion...better to live with fervor than live a shell of a life that's safe.
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