Friday, May 14, 2004

The Glass is Half Full

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I am a bad ass motherfucker.

Not only did I get a quick loan to pay down my credit cards the same day but I also got the paperwork from my ex showing that the boat loan has been paid off on my credit!


I was so amazed they funded the loan within 4 hours of my calling them. Kick ass.

Know what else kicks ass? I got to do my first photoshoot with a model.

I was so excited because I have been photographing myself for the last several months trying to get the lighting thing down and for my first shoot, I am really happy with the outcome!


Hopefully as time goes on, I will be able to shoot a wide range of models and play with lighting and colors. The great thing about digital photography is it really catches color. I want to get some crazy make up colors and use that as well. Maybe get some big pieces of plywood or posterboard and paint them bright colors like lime green and hot pink and use them as backgrounds. So many little money. *lol*

It’s so awesome to have a passion in life. Other than love or sex or family, something just your own, something that speaks to you and when you answer, it fills you with such satisfaction and joy.

Things are looking brighter in the man department, my son lost one of his front teeth and the other is about to go any day, it’s so funny to look at his smiling face with that space there…makes me laugh just thinking about it. Going to look at places to live tomorrow all day with my girlfriend & my new kick ass real estate agent, then doing a little photo shoot and going to dinner & a movie with some more friends.

The kitty naming dilemna is over finally. My manfriend saw this show on Discovery about a little baby otter who was rescued by some guy and would follow him around like a little puppy. The guy named him Rodney the Otter. So manfriend keeps laughing "RODNEY!" "RODNEY!" and the more he said it, the funnier it got. To name such a sweet and perty kitty an old man name, PERFECT. So Rodney it is...kitty meow likes it!

Are things going my way?


Magic 8 Ball says: Definitely.


I am feeling good about things. Today I am feeling happy.


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