Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Everyone but you FUCK OFF

Right now everyone is bugging me. Fucking complainers. Whiners. Whoaez Me'ers. Suck balls! Shit or get off the fucking pot! UGH!

I am so annoyed with everyone but you...and my boyfriend...and myself of course that I can't even think. I am so drained that coming up with anything even remotely witty would be a miracle. I am going out of town to sit poolside like a beached whale for 3 days this weekend so hopefully I will come home fresh and tan. Poor lil meow meow kitty Crackers is going to be alone for 4 days. Luckily Mom is going to come feed him and clean his litterbox but I am worried he will be lonely and sad. I will give him chicken livers when I get home.

I will let you all know how things went and what we did in the desert. Til then...