Monday, June 14, 2004

Frickle Frack

Hey folks, big fat sloppy thanks to those who offered support in comments. Too goddamm tired to respond to them individually. Sorry. I am done sniveling and feeling like a little crybaby. My friend put it in perspective for me. She said,

"Why are you beating yourself up so much? You are moving with your son to a new city not abandoning him!"

I considered that and thought...Hey, you're right.

Perspective is a cool thing.

So last week I had my eyeliner and eyebrows tattooed. Last splurge on myself for a while...well until I get my cookie lasered when I move to LA. So I am laying there and she is tattooing me, wearing these goggles with magnify lenses so her eyes look 3 sizes too big for her head from my point of view. She says quite casually,

"My, your lips are lucious...are they yours?"

This set me aback. I have never had anyone ask me that about my lips before. My boobs, yes, everytime I go out I end up getting felt up in the ladies room but my lips? Well, there's a first time for everything. So while staring at her overcollagen injected mouth even though trying not to, I reply,

"Uhh yeah thank you, they're mine."

Her mouth looked like it got stuck in a drain. I seriously felt sorry for her. But she did a great job and never again will I have to pencil my eyebrows in or feel like a dead chick witout makeup. Joy to the know, if I keep this up, I am going to end up looking like Jocelyn Wildenstien.


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