Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You know what's funny about getting wasted? Flashbacks. Right when you think all the embarrassing crazy shit you did/said has been reckoned, more peers through the fog. Sweet. Well the memories from Friday night are equally sweet as they are embarrassing. For those of you offended by such things as beaver bumping, you might not want to read this.

The funny thing about threesomes is how random they are. I spend a good deal of time online now and then trolling for playmates on the internet and it never pans out. I am sure 98% of the time I emailing with men masquerading as hot bi chicks. Our Friday night guest was a total fluke. I think after molesting them for however long in the back patio of the club, I turned to her and said:

"So, wanna go party at our place?"

And there ya have it. Easy as that. This is where I start strutting around singing "You can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm ladies man...no time to talk..."

And my memory shot to being at the house with her and messing around...until the other day when I remembered watching her climb into the backseat of my boyfriends car and then diving on top of her where we proceeded to tear each other's clothes off until we were butt ass naked going at it...on Sunset Boulevard...at midnight on a Friday night. Do you know how packed that street is on weekends? It must've been quite a show for those who were near us at the red lights LOL Apparently my boyfriend even stopped at a liquor store and left us in the car and we had NO CLUE he even was gone or that the car was parked. I can just picture the staple homeless guy outside of Pla-Boy Liquor staring in the window.

Then I remember getting home, dressing in a hurry and rushing upstairs so I could pay the babysitter...then realizing that my hair fall was twisted sideways and my goddamn pants were on inside out.

The rest of the night just plain rocked. Our guest was the sweetest girl, understood the act of reciprocation, was soooo lovely and totally open to trying anything. I want her again. I think I will.

I am very interested how my party on the 18th is going to turn out. I will bet there will be much more debauchery this time round...


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