Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Top Ten Reasons Why My Weekend Sucked:

1.) Got caught up in traffic due to TWO accidents on the I-10 Friday night so the two hour drive took four hours.

2.) Didn't get any.

3.) Mom lectured me about getting my son into the Kabballah program in LA. (Um thanks Mom for remembering the fifty million times I told you I believe he should choose his own religion and what about my beliefs being his MOTHER??)

4.) Mom expressed her concern for me since I am getting older and therefore should land a rich man to take care of me and my son...love and sexual attraction will grow with time...(ummm yeah if you're a superficial shallow WHORE). *ahem* And oh thanks for the confidence that maybe I could support myself and my son and oh yeah last time I checked I was in love with my boyfriend who happens to be moving in at month's end and will be taking care of me and my son.

5.) Came home drained to find we were locked out as houseguest locked door to house and has only house key.

6.) Finally got inside to find my computer mysteriously acquired a trojan virus and wiped my C drive.

7.) Realized all my raw files from my last two shoots were on my C drive.

8.) Discovered I have less than $50 in the bank.

9.) Three, count em THREE, uberzits surfaced on my face in all their glorious unison.

10.) I didn't get any...did I mention that?


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