That time of the month is really only bad on the first day. So when I'm feeling bloated, there is no better therapy than shoving my water retaining ass into a corset, slathering make up on with a trowel and playing with my camera. This is becoming my photography blog LOL
Shoot: October 27, 2004
Model: Self
Stylist: Self
Theme: Pin up
I don't know...there weren't any asian pinup girls were there? I'm such a poser.
Shoot: October 27, 2004
Model: Kelly
Theme: 50s Glamour
Man I love those.
The thing that is so cool about what my photography is morphing into is the artistry of it all. The idea, setting it up, make up, putting together the outfit and finding things to tie it into the set, hair, the actual photographing, the retouching and applying a "look" to the photograph. I got an email on Myspace from a photographer who was scoffing at the way I retouch, saying I am giving my models "Photoshop faces". Fuck you with your haughty attitude. Insinuating that I am cutting corners and basically suck because I am using Photoshop instead of *insert wonder of the world I don't know about here*? Oh I'm sorry. Am I supposed to leave in the dark circles, blemishes, yellow teeth, that little extra fold here or there and countless other little things us women hate about ourselves in pictures? Eat my asian ass. HELLOOOO that is what PHOTOshop was made for...taking PHOTOgraphy to the next level. If I can remove someone's most hated flaw and produce a photograph of them the way they see themselves ideally in their mind, how is that cutting corners? Does this dumbshit have any goddamn clue how painstaking and how much time goes into changing a regular picture into something dreamy and surreal? No. So fuck you. Besides I am not shooting Kate Moss with a $15,000 camera and $10,000 worth of lighting equipment so again, fuck you. (And don't even tell me those models aren't retouched before the images go to print) I am shooting real women with real flaws and removing the flaws. I ain't a goddamn magician. I have to do it somehow and sorry but you could be fucking Annie Lebowitz and not get these results without some photoshop action. Personally, I think it fucking rocks what can be done these days with computers (holy hell i just sounded so old Hey Sonny, it's amazing what these kids can do these days with computers, where's my dentures?)and when I hear the girls gushing and nearly in tears over their pics, I know I am on the right path. Besides, this is my art, I'll do it the way I want it done and if you don't like it, fuck off. Have a nice day.
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