Saturday, December 18, 2004

Last night we went to my boyfriend's first LA boss's Xmas party in Beverly Hills. It was a nice party and it was good to see my boyfriend amongst peers who admire him so much. I felt like I was with a rockstar the way these people were falling all over themselves around him. They mainly do goverment websites and are trying to get him to come work for them. I have never seen so many people beg someone to take a job in my life. He has people all around him begging him to come on board. Must be nice. I hope by the time I am 36 I will have such success in my career.

On our way home I got a call from the babysitter saying the fridge was leaking. Great. We open the garage door and for the love of all that is holy water was pouring down from the ceiling and all over the garage floor. There was a little hole in the ceiling and water was literally spewing out in a stream from the kitchen above. I immediately pictured the refrigerator plowing through the ceiling and squashing my car as I ran upstairs. The poor babysitter was frantic and had pulled out every towel in the house to catch the water that was shooting out in a steady stream from the water filter pipe. Somehow the attachment came loose and it was just flowing. Of course there is a very obvious valve shut off right there but she is a girl not raised around a construction business so I shut it off. So instead of having my brother reattach it, I am going to hire someone to come weld a copper pipe to the filter so this doesn't happen again. I am dreading what it is going to cost to fix the water damage but it shouldn't be too bad. I am hoping it will only be around $1,000 or so. I had to clean the mess myself because my boyfriend went to bed. The only downfall to being with an artist is they don't grasp "man duties" at all. In many ways, I am the man of the house - fixing things and such. At least he takes out the trash.

Tonight is the big party. We have the ice luge coming at 8 and this year it will be shaped as a gun because what better shape to have it made in for the holidays? lol I am expecting about 60 people but a lot of them aren't coming til later so I think there will be people filtering in and out through the night which will be good because our condo is only 1500 square feet! lol

Oh a pic from last weekend when we went to see Patton Oswald at M-Bar:

My man, myself and "the other woman" - his 1973 Plymouth Roadrunner

Anyway Happy Holidays everyone!!!


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